weiSister-Sweetheart Bubble

Innovation and Persistence, Luodong Baoxinfenyuan has become the Taiwanese flavor in everyone's memory

魏姐包心品牌下的每一項新產品都由魏姐發想,即使面對原物料價格不斷上漲,她仍然堅持原本的信念,不能妥協。而支持她堅持下去的最大力量,來自於消費者給她的肯定。「有好多客人會跟我說,他們從小吃到大,到現在第三代了,還會帶著孩子和孫子來吃。」魏姐聊起難忘的老客人回訪,一家子三代同堂來吃粉圓的畫面時常上演,更是許多出國學子回台必嚐的懷念小吃,甚至有美國客人吃過魏姐包心之後,再度來台灣特別帶了家人來訪 ,為的就是這一碗難忘的好滋味。在食安隱憂層出不窮的此刻,堅持的路其實並不好走,魏姐表示。「但看到許多家人、朋友相聚時吃到美食的那種開心氣氛,覺得一切都值得了!」

Strictly select local high-quality food ingredients traceable history and identity can be found

魏姐包心不只取得了HACCP及ISO22000 還取得了台灣農業跨領域發展協會頒發的「溯源餐廳」兩顆星認證,消費者上網或在店內直接掃QR code便能查詢得到食材來源。

Continue to give new life to traditional food Focus on Taiwan and happiness

It has been 31 years since the establishment, and along the way, what Sister Wei hopes to convey is to give new life to traditional Taiwanese snacks. Today, Sister Wei's stuffed heart vermicelli balls have become a well-known delicacy in Lanyang. The affirmation from the government and the people has never stopped, and there are branches in Singapore and Macau each outside of Taiwan. She said that she simply insists on using good ingredients, so that everyone can eat with peace of mind, share the sweet taste of happiness, and let everyone who has eaten it feel happy. Looking forward to the future, we still focus on Taiwan. We hope to bring such a good taste to the people in this land. In the next two to three years, we can expand another 20 stores and sprinkle the seeds of happiness in more places.


~[Wei Sister Wrapped Pasta Balls] Hot sale in the online shopping mall~

§Acquired a number of food certifications§

ISO 22000


Halal certification


